Support Silicon Dojo at: Layered Security Introduction Layering Security Got Root? Site Survey and Initial Audit What are we looking at? Verify what you are told is true is in fact true. Communicate with all parties and make sure everyone is on the same page. Security is as much ART as it is a Science. “Good Security” is in the eye of the check writer… Operational Security Securing HOW your organization runs Physical Security Locks Doors Walls Patch Management Update OS, Software, Firmware on computers, servers AND DEVICES Patch Management Solutions Software Privileges Keep people from modifying records Accounts Within Quickbooks Database Apps Security Policy OS Level Security Active Directory is AMAZEBALLS Lock down abilities to: Change network settings Install Software Use USB ports Sharing Permissions Do you have permission to delete the folder that contains the database that you don’t have permission to login to? Password Policy / Multi Factor Authentication DON’T CHECK YOUR EMAIL WITH AN ADMIN ACCOUNT!!! Expiration Time Period Password Reuse Password Complexity Antivirus / Antimalware/ Antispyware Verify what your solution does Central Management Proper License? Scaleable? Standardization Firewalls Make sure you don’t break something Make sure you understand your environment Should you use a Firewall, or turn off server services (Should SSH be available?) Layered Networking Siloing Servers Subnet Logical Business Units or Physical Locations Parallel Networking in “Converged” Environments Understand how VLANs work and Vulnerabilities in your equipment Services Server Services FTP HTTP VPN Administrative Services SNMP ICMP Backups Not necessarily to tape Backup of Database tables Disaster Recovery How long until services are accessible? Failover DRaaS Intrusion Detection Honey Pots Systems to detect intrusions and issues Service Agreements HELP!!! Auditing Never Stop Auditing!